#16 GO Fest 2023 Recommended Captures of Meta and Spicy Pokémon

GO FEST 2023

Activity Time

GO Fest 2023 global event is divided into two content areas depending on whether or not a trainer purchases a ticket, and the event is divided into two days..

  • Saturday, August 26, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time.
  • Sunday, August 27, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time.

All Trainers (available without a ticket)

Meta and Spicy to Catch

During Saturday's event hours, Pokémon will rotate through four unique habitats (Quartz Terrarium, Pyrite Sands, Malachite Wilderness, and Aquamarine Shores).

  • Quartz Terrarium: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. local time
  • Pyrite Sands: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time
  • Malachite Wilderness: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time
  • Aquamarine Shores: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time

Given the fact that the 傻豆 and most (?) viewers are interesting at playing spicy Pokémon, Pokémon that feel like they have a slight chance of played in the PVP are listed in the chart, and Meta players or newbies are advised to catch the Meta or Stronger spicy pokemon mentioned in the text descriptions.

Quartz Terrarium

Meta: Evolution of Clefairy - Clefable, Lickitung

  • Lickitung is a strongest normal type pokemon because of its unreasonable bulkness can make it win the battle between the fighting type. Although its main battlefield is located in the Great League, it needs to use a lot of XL candies to power it up to CP1500, so if you are interested in using Lickitung in the battle, please be sure to catch enough XL candies in the event.
  • Clefable's main battlefield is in the Ultra League. It's a strong fairy type pokemon because the speed to throw the charge moves has significantly increased after it learned the Fairy Wind and that makes Clefable so flexible. Furthermore, the ranking of Clefable is not bad in the Great League, so trainers may consider catching Clefable that can be used in GL.

Stronger spicy pokemon: Miltank, Evolution of Lickitung - Lickilicky, Dustox, Heracross

  • Miltank has good bulkness and the speed to throw the charge moves is really fast, 傻豆 has used it with Druddigon to get good results in the Retro Cup, so newbies and veterans should definitely get one.
  • Lickilicky is similar in nature to Miltank, and is also one of the spicy pokemons that is easy to use. But note that it requires the charged move "Body Slam" in order to perform well, so players should not forget to evolve Lickitung before the end of the event in order to obtain the limited move.
  • Dusto's bulkness is superb, and its type make it easy to deal with fighting type opponents such as Medicham, but since its highest CP is only 1384, trainers need to capture IV100, prepare 296 XL candies, and select it as your buddy to reach the level of Best Buddy in order to be able to fight in the Great League in the best possible way. It's a bit more difficult to cultivate, so trainers can refer to the battle video to decide whether or not to cultivate it.
  • Heracross is a pokemon with higher attack and lower bulkness, and is relatively difficult to handle among these Pokémon, however, the special combination of Bug and Fighting types has the potential to cause the special effects in team building, therefore, recommend having one on hand in both GL and UL.

Catch for Stardust: Audino gives trainers 2100 stardust for catching, Foongus and Morelull both get 500 stardust for a single one, so trainers who are short of stardust can consider using Star Piece during this habitat.

The rest of the pokemons in the picture are the spicy pokemons that are not so easy to handle, trainers can decide whether or not to catch them depending on your own.

Pyrite Sands

Meta: Evolution of Joltik - Galvantula, Evolution of Gible - Garchomp, Evolution of Timburr - Conkeldurr

  • Galvantula has a good performance against flying and water type opponents, besides, because of its charged move Lunge can lower opponent's attack, Galvantula can support the teammates to make them easier to win the battle, it's a one of the useful electric type pokemons, recommended to prepare one in GL and UL.
  • The main battlefield for the Garchomp and Conkeldurr is at Master League, trainers who enjoy the Master League can catch them with the target of 296 XL candies and IV100.

Stronger spicy pokemon: Girafarig, Evolution of Sandshrew - Sandslash, Evolution of Trapinch - Flygon, Evolution of Psyduck - Golduck, Evolution of Binacle - Barbaracle, Evolution of Timburr - Gurdurr, Evolution of Grubbin - Charjabug

  • There are two main ways to play Girafarig, the first is to use Psychic Fangs to lower the defense of opponents and give them a big damage by using Confusion. The first way is recommended to use the shadow version of Girafarig. The other way is using Double Kick to earn energy and throw the charged moves frequently, the normal and shadow versions of the Girafarig both have their own advantages and disadvantages in this way, so trainers can prepare a normal Girafarig in case of need.
  • Sandslash and Flygon have been featured in the Community Day, both pokemons throw the moves with amazing speed and they can give most of opponents an effective damage because of the wild range of the moveset. These advantages make trainers easier to use to achieve some good results in battle, trainers can catch them for use in GL and UL. But note that both pokemons require featured attack to have good performance, so don't forget to evolve them during the event.
  • The movesets of Golduck, Barbaracle, and Gurdurr are very special, as they being the switch in the team, they can often rely on special moveset to catch their opponents by surprise, due to that, they are three of my favorite pokemons, recommend trainers to prepare one for each league.
  • Charjabug has the same types as the Galvantula but has better bulkness. If players are not accustomed to using Galvantula or feel that it is too glassy, Charjabug will be a good alternative.

The rest of the pokemons in the picture are the spicy pokemons that are not so easy to handle, trainers can decide whether or not to catch them depending on your own.

Malachite Wilderness

Meta: Evolution of Snover - Abomasnow, Cottonee and Evolution of Cottonee - Whimsicott, Evolution of Ferroseed - Ferrothorn, Snorlax, Stunfisk

  • Cottonee is a very strong charmer in the Little Cup.
  • After Trevenant was debuffed, Abomasnow, Whimsicott gradually replace Trevenant as one of the choices of grass pokemons, two pokemons have the good speed to throw the moves, in addition, GL and UL have lots of opponents that they can counter, there are so many chance to show how strong they are.
  • The types of Ferrothorn and Stunfisk are quite special, two pokemons not only have the potential to cause the special effects in team building, but also have a chance to be the Meta in special cups.
  • Snorlax is one of the representative tanks in PVP. Due to its maximum CP being over 3000, UL and ML will be its main battleground.

Stronger spicy pokemon: Evolution of Spinarak - Ariados, Evolution of Scyther - Scizor, Evolution of Roselia - Roserade, Lurantis, Oranguru

  • In addition to debuffing opponents' attack to create the advantages, Ariados' high frequency of moves throwing often makes opponents difficult to defend if it lacks resistance, because of this, Ariados may be the Meta in special cups such as the Love Cup.
  • In addition to the advantages of fast moves throwing and few weaknesses, because there are fewer pokemons that use steel type moves in PVP, Scizor with using Bullet Punch is often a good choice if your team needs some steel type damage.
  • Roserade is one of the grass pokemons that can use Fire type moves, this particular moveset makes it somewhat unique and irreplaceable in PVP.
  • Lurantis is one of my favorite pokemons. Its fast move is quick to build up energy, and the charged moves have the advantages of low energy consumption and high damage, this makes it become a pokemon which has amazing performance at attacking.
  • Oranguru is bulky and its moveset is not bad, the main reason that why he's not seen in GL is there are too many Steel and Dark...types in the environment that can't be hit effectively by Confusion, so if there's a special cups that bans Steel, Dark, or has a lot of Poison in the environment, it's going to be a very strong Meta.

The rest of the pokemons in the picture are the spicy pokemons that are not so easy to handle, trainers can decide whether or not to catch them depending on your own.

Aquamarine Shores

Meta: Evolution of Marill - Azumarill, Barboach and Evolution of Barboach - Whiscash, Evolution of Mareanie - Toxapex, Evolution of Beldum - Metagross, Lapras

  • Barboach has a wide range of hit points covered by its moveset, besides, the speed to throw charged moves is really fast. These advantages make it become one of the most useful pokemons in the Little Cup.
  • Azumarill and Toxapex are extremely bulky so as they usually achieve good results when they are not at a disadvantage in terms of types, because of this, they are one of the representative pokemons that use bulkness to crush their opponents.
  • Whiscash has the only grass weakness because of the combination of water and ground types, this makes it a very useful pokemon in the environment with fewer grasses. The main reason why it is less common to see it is because the Quagsire, which has the same types as Whiscash, is relatively stable, so if players have a Quagsire in hand, thay will be more inclined to use it. However, this doesn't mean that the Whiscash is weak, trainers can still prepare one for GL.
  • Lapras is one of bulky pokemons and this advantage make it has amazing performance in UL. Although it's been seen less recently due to the rise of fighting type pokemons such as Cobalion, it doesn't mean that it is not powerful when facing the pokemon such as Giratina.
  • Metagross are mainly used in the Master League. Compared to the legendary pokemon, Metagross is easy to obtain and train to level 50 without the need to pay money, because of this, Metagross is one of favorite pokemons for trainers to use in the Master League.

Stronger spicy pokemon: Evolution of Tympole - Palpitoad and Seismitoad, Evolution of Goomy - Goodra, Evolution of Bagon - Shelgon, Evolution of Horsea - Kingdra

  • Palpitoad and Seismitoad only have a grass weakness, which is one of their major strengths. In addition, they have a poison move that can give their opponents a big poison damage, which is not found in other water plus ground type pokemons and is one of their specialties. Palpitoad requires more resources to power up to CP1500, so trainers can refer to the battle video to decide whether to train them or not.
  • Goodra has a lot of advantages such as a good bulkness and a wide range of the moveset, my favorite part is that it can use Sludge Wave to give the fairy type opponents a beating, which will lead to a counterattack.
  • Shelgon is a pokemon that is special at the surprise attacks, there is a fire type move in the moveset which can inflict effective damage on steel type opponents, this may create the chance to turn the tide against our opponents.
  • Kingdra is mainly played in UL, its specialty is that it can use Octazooka to lower the attack of opponents. When opponents can't give it too much damage because of debuff, it can Dragon Breath down the opponents to get the switch advantage. Since Octazooka isn't 100% debuff, it's a matter of opinion whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages of unstable matchups. In addition, since the Shadow version has a higher fast move damage, trainers can also choose to cultivate the Shadow Kingdra.

The rest of the pokemons in the picture are the spicy pokemons that are not so easy to handle, trainers can decide whether or not to catch them depending on your own.

Finally, Pikachu is also a pokemon worth capturing. Although it does not have a chance to appear in three leagues, it must be one of the trainers' dreams to bring Pikachu to the legend, I've tried it two or three times and failed, if you're interested in reaching legend with Pikachu, get one and try it out with me!


The pokemons that appear in the raid are all good, the most worthwhile pokemon to catch is Carbink which is in the Two-Star Raids. Carbink is ranked number one in the GL, recommending trainers take advantage of this opportunity to obtain a large number of Carbink and use them to exchange for the PVP IV and accumulate XL Candy.

Additionally, Groudon and Kyogre in the Primal Raids are Meta in Master League, they are also recommended to catch if trainers haven't yet caught the IV100 or have yet to acquire the 296 XL candy.

Dragon Ascent150-702.14100% chance -1 Def self
Data of Dragon Ascent

In addition to the pokemons mentioned above, Mega Rayquaza will also appear in Sunday's Mega Raids. Trainers will receive a "Meteorite" after completing Sunday's Special Research tasks, which will allow Rayquaza to learn the special move "Dragon Ascent" and allow Rayquaza to mega.

Evolve pokemons during the event to get a limited moves.

Fast Move
「Bug Bite」
Charged Move
「Night Slash」
Fast Move
Charged Move
「Earth Power」
Charged Move
Charged Move
「Meteor Mash」
Fast Move「Bullet Seed」
Charged Move 「Fire-type Weather Ball」
Charged Move
「Body Slam」

Ticket Holder Exclusives

Diancie and Mega Diancie

Diancie's types and moveset are the same as Carbink, and both pokemons also have very good bulkness. But since Diancie isn't as bulky as Carbink, Diancie can only be considered as a lower version of Carbink. However, with a ranking of 493 in the GL and 265 in the UL, it's good enough for spicy players, but it's not recommended for Meta players or newbies.

According to the description on the official website, ticket holders can pick up an exclusive Saturday Special Research and can collect Diancie Mega Energy by completing Carbink raids.

Incense Encounters

Ticket holders can use Incense to meet a variety of Unown, Hisuian Growlithe, Pawniard, Carnivine, and Pachirisu. All of which belong to the spicy pokemon, unlocking the Pokedex or focusing on shiny is enough for Meta players or newbies. As for the spicy players, Pachirisu and Carnivine have the opportunity to perform in the GL, and the evolution of Pawniard - Bisharp has a chance to perform well in the UL, so the spicy players can target these pokemons for capture.


GO Fest 2023 features a wide variety of pokemons, including many that are very useful in PVP, so no matter if you're a novice or a veteran, you can take this opportunity to replenish your strength. Trainers should remember to check their desired characters before the event begins, and set a target to make capturing more efficient.
